Rewrite Your Own Rules.

Rebel Curiosities is more than a philosophy; it’s a mindset.

Think about embracing your innate curiosity, the desire to challenge norms and expectations, forging the unconventional path that is uniquely yours in pursuit of exploration and growth.

It’s not always the “rules” you want to break; it’s the inner and outer constraints that you’ve been conditioned to.


Hi, I’m Pearl.

I’ve been a senior marketing VP, customer experience director, team leader. I’ve also worked as a journalist and a record label executive in pre-corporate life, which allowed me to pursue my curiosity in the most formative ways.

These days, I’m a principal consultant, coach, speaker/facilitator, co-founder of Curious Leaders Circle, a leadership development platform, and the host/producer of Rebel Curiosities podcast.

After 20 years in corporate marketing, I’m still driven to explore what makes people tick and what exists for reinvention, what long-held assumptions can we challenge and the creative opportunities that we can embark on to impact our world. It fascinates me to continually learn in this space. (Yes, that curiosity.)

Creating the podcast was my way of building a dialogue with other experts, and celebrating how we can lean on curiosity to rethink assumptions and do things differently.

I work with individuals and organisations on how to lean into curiosity to make it a superpower to be better at what we do.

If you are an aspiring curious rebel…

…but currently feel stuck, without seeing any way forward.

…face challenges in creating the unique business you want to embark on.

…trying to figure out the purpose for your next phase in life.

You are not alone.

I work with fellow curious rebels, who are marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners or deep thinkers who are looking to embark on their own unconventional paths. Who are driven by the very same deep curiosity to unsettle status quo in their business, unlocking different strategies, to rethink the way things are normally done.

“The greatest threat to curiosity is the extinction of dialogue.”

— Seth Goldenberg