Episode 10: What Does It Take To Be A "Rebel" Archetype


Having grown up in an environment that does not have physical or psychological safety, Coen Tan is an empath who grew up not recognising his abilities to pick up emotions as a strength. As a result of that, he went through difficult periods in school, being bullied, with a yearning to be seen, heard and respected. 

He watched and learned how people interacted with each other, pick up storytelling to get others’ attention productively without being too much. He discovered that being able to recognise emotions quickly became a great skill for facilitation and coaching. 

It became his superpower instead.

These days, Coen is a coach, speaker, podcast host and writer of a new book about what makes leaders charismatic and great, featuring different archetypes from their different behaviours. 

We discuss about the archetype of Rebels - what it means to be one, who are they most likely to be attracted to, and their light and shadow sides. They are not all destructive or simply rebellious - because the rebels who care are the rebels who make the most difference in the world. 

We explore the role of rebel curiosity in leadership as well, what it means to have a healthy self-ego and the power of humility and asking questions. 

Key moments:

  • What other archetypes do Rebels get along with?

  • “With greater power comes greater responsibility” - the power of being a Rebel

  • Can societies today accept rebels… (and can we afford not to)?

  • Resisting the “answer impulse” as curious leaders 

  • Curiosity is the willingness to embrace the insecurities of not knowing

  • Why curious rebels will be the ideal archetype to embrace the future workplace 

Learn more about Coen Tan here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coentan

Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-podcast/id1640212910

Website: https://www.coentan.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/coentan


Episode 11: The Curiosity Advantage 10 Lessons in Work, Business and Leadership


Episode 09: The Rebel Entrepreneur - Letting Curiosity Guide Your Instincts