Episode 12: Why You Feel Disrespected - And How To Overcome It With Curiosity


For season 2 of Rebel Curiosities, we dive deeper into rethinking our own "status quo" - how to challenge some of our own personal biases and bring about change for better interactions and outcomes. 

And we are kicking off with the topic - RESPECT. 

  • Ever wondered why some people tend to feel disrespected, even if we didn’t intend it? 

  • Or how you felt the resentment of not given respect, from the smallest things like someone cutting you off to  being late?

Julie Pham is an individual who is on the remarkable journey to change the way we think about curiosity and respect. 

Currently based in Seattle, US, Julie was not only  a Cambridge-trained historian, a community builder and a journalist, but also a marketer, nonprofit executive, leading management consultant and co-owner of the Northwest Vietnamese newspaper for 15 years. 

These days, she is the bestselling author of the book “7 Forms of Respect” and the CEO of CuriosityBased, an organizational development firm aimed at helping people realise the power of their own curiosity.

(06:20) The journey of respect stems from friction
(10:51) Curiosity is a practice, not a trait
(12:49) Finding your triggers to “feeling” disrespect
(15:54) What was personally cringey for her in this journey
(17:31) Two key questions to ask in understanding respect
(19:40) Rethinking the golden rule - “Treat people the way you want to be treated”
(21:17) Is Respect a culturally-biased concept
(26:26) How to create an organisational culture of respect
(29:27) What are the 7 forms of respect
(35:57) How to manage the emotions of feeling disrespect 
(41:49) Curiosity thrives on not knowing, not outcome-based thinking
(44:24) A “rebel" who is not afraid of mistakes
(47:37) Rebel Curiosities: Having courage to do/think differently... from yourself

Connect with Julie Pham here:


Episode 13: Why A Growth Mindset Is Not Enough - Rethinking Change


Episode 11: The Curiosity Advantage 10 Lessons in Work, Business and Leadership